воскресенье, 23 января 2011 г.

Soldier Field green showing signs of step Latest news.

CHICAGO -- Both teams are warming up here at Soldier Field in studying for the NFC Championship Game, and ground on the playing emerge doesn’t appear to be any more of an topic than it’s been in the past. A few inches of snow floor overnight and leftist the south end quarter kind of of a muddy mess. Groundskeepers appear to have painted over both end zones.

In the neighbourhood closest to the visitor’s sideline in the end zone, there are gigantic divots and chunks of dirt from the Packers conducting pre-game warm-ups. Still, the discharge plane didn’t appear to cause any players to twig during warmups. Just after removing the indelicate tarp covering the field, groundskeepers opened several bags of reddish clay to span in slick areas around the field, and into the divots on the field. With kickoff approximately a half hour away, the territory is already showing signs of wear, but it doesn’t appear to be significant enough to give either duo an advantage.

soldier field


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