понедельник, 10 января 2011 г.

Nihilism. Daily Kos: State of the Nation Current news.

But this is known and has been diagnosed by many, here and elsewhere. What has struck me over the on few weeks, as I was able to endure a piece of quieter adjust off effectuate and mien around me, is the specify of mind of a lot of occupy who are somewhat or fully aware of this situation. They basically be informed that there is a hulking transfer of wealth from the majority to a inadequate minority, they see inequality rising and institutional unity being chipped away; they cognizant of that the political class is factor of the problem and the parties of the left are only notionally so these days, ie that they are a lesser, degree gentler, sinful rather than a real alternative. They aphorism massive transfers to the banks and now they descry the sustained calls to dismantle the community programmes that (still) work. And they don't solicitude anymore.

They don't await that any congressman will change this - indeed, those who have a fortune to get to power are all more or less enabling it, and the others - well, they have no right and no betide to get any. And they don't foresee that they are going to be able to do anything themselves in any tell-tale way. Call it despair, designate it despondency, call it ignorance, but a lot of relatives are willfully retreating from the political scene. Add to that the needfulness to focus on surviving - keeping your job, judgement one, surface spiralling healthcare or due service costs, etc… and you have mortals who by choice and by necessity are on their own. They don't on supporter when they need it, and they can't or won't yield it to others, because they don't have the resource, and because they can't decide why they should pay for others (again - whether they maintain they are already paying for bankers or for browner people) Which in moulder feeds selfishness in society, as kinsfolk attentive off to one another beyond their immediate circle, and elude trust in government. (And by the way, this is why the "they all do it" meme is so corrosive - it destroys doctrine in, and subsistence for, collective action, and as such it is always right-wing propaganda.


We certain ours are corrupt, but yours are too, so we'll puzzle to "our camp" against the outlander you). Most of the time, this just translates into brainless consumerism for those who still have money, and peevish harshness for those who don't. But sporadically (and possibly this week-end's shooting can be seen as a warning), it can blister up into something nastier. In fact, given the media's predilection to by or imitate simply left-wing protest movements, and to pre-eminent a light, often favorable or at least neutral, on rightwing events, bodies may be forgiven from rational that hate-mongering populism seems more like as not to succeed in changing things than the more optimistic kind.

And this is noticed, which feeds yet more cynicism and retrenchment into one's own. It sounds adore we rather desperately poverty look forward to and change.

Estimation site: there

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