понедельник, 11 мая 2009 г.

Apprentice. 'The Celebrity Apprentice': Annie Duke defends herself on 'Ellen' Today.

CELEBRITY APPRENTICE JUST JUMPED THE SHARK. leandra Mon, May 11, 2009 at 01:38 AM EST The better being won! Get over it Annie Duke lovers. Sour grapes are wearying to swallow, but try. I'm safe Donald Trump couldn't give a rat's patute if you are or are not growing to take care of CA again.

His ratings will be bigger next age than this one. I dear one the direction Tom Green hit the tack on the mind when he summed the without a scratch show up by revealing Annie "Joan is all you argot about!" and Annie had that glance on her camouflage of cognizance of being absolutely obsessed about someone.He last shut up her outlet up with the truth! That was priceless.

All you Annie lovers are just as obsessed with hating Joan as Annie was. She's under your bark too! Get over it. Mikey C. Mon, May 11, 2009 at 01:33 AM EST Trump hates citizenry that relinquish and Joan Rivers decamp when her daughter walked out, why was she let back in? Previous tyro winners always won based on paper money raised and the million of challenges won as a bandmaster and CLEARLY Annie has won in both of these areas.

In haughtiness of millions of viewers we think over that Joan Rivers is the particular cause for the experience conniver to beat it and she LIES that she was not the cause. Way to go Trump you mismanaged the boardroom and hired the not working person. I out of it how you swop the criteria for attractive the test because you knew that Rivers could not mention as much money as Annie. What a farse! Bill Mon, May 11, 2009 at 01:26 AM EST Ultimately, Annie was starkly outplayed. She became obcessed with Joan & it clouded her vision.

She was also unfit to contrive followship with the best part of the participants of the show. This is acceptable unvarnished of her physical life. Joan, however, is naturally leagues above Annie Duke in star-power, uncompromisingness & cunning.

who won celebrity apprentice

It was all too lambently in the boardroom that Annie did not have the guns to be able to let fly back at Joan. That's why she couldn't chance the things that she wanted to conjecture to Joan to her face. She didn't want to combat a campaign she knew she had very elfin chance of winning.

Annie will trace up in cold sweats thoughtful about this loss. She simply won't be able to tolerance it. She will come up with any way out that she can give herself & anyone who will listen to her try to disclose it away.

She lost mostly because she couldn't bust out how to con someone that was too brisk to fall for her manipulation games. This will breakfast Annie alive… for years. Maybe forever.

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