понедельник, 8 августа 2011 г.

Sign Language. Civil rights attorney challenges Lehi panhandling act Today.

Civil rights attorney Brian Barnard is challenging Lehi’s recently enacted enactment against belligerent panhandling. Barnard, in a note to Mayor Bert Wilson, said the ordinance is "poorly intelligence out and unduly broad." He warned it could criminalize true unbosom speech. The ordinance was meant to check assertive panhandling and bars solicitors from creating hazards by wealthy out in the road. But Barnard said Monday the rules and regulations becomes unconstitutional in what it defines as solicitation.

He said the acutance is so broad, it could put in to Salvation Army bell-ringers, evidence "spinners" pretence stores and children’s lemonade stands as unlawful because they are directing messages at forebears in cars or near ATMs. "If the Girl Scouts set up [a cookie booth] and they are holding a sign on the dotted line by the road, or the church salad days team has a mark advertising a wheels filter … all of these things are made proscribed by the ordinance," Barnard said. Tribune attempts to association the mayor and City Attorney Ryan Wood were sterile Monday. Barnard said existing laws already deal with panhandlers who use offensive language, portend or blow man to get money.

sign language


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