I’m not strictly guaranteed who The People are who end up casting votes for The People’s Choice Awards. Maybe they’re correlated to The Man? Based on stand up night’s award’s show, I’m guessing that most of them are-OH MY GAWD-obviously under the majority of 14. A preference for few of the grant winners seemed wholly deserving. Like (who caused thoroughly a kerfuffle when he told publican Queen Latifah that she was giving a B+ performance), who we’ll co-sign on for Favorite TV Comedy Actor since, even after years on the air, he is still awesome as settled sleezeball Barney Stinson on ".
" I can also get down with Gregory House/Hugh Laurie for Favorite TV Doctor because, well, I can’t think about of another TV doc at the moment. But most of conclusive night’s winners made me think, "WTF?" After the jump, the winners that fist me scratching my headmaster in ambiguousness the hardest. It’s been a darn high-minded year for movies between "The Social Network," "Black Swan," "The Fighter," etc. So, uh really? "" won for both Favorite Movie and Favorite Drama Movie? Puh-lease. The movies on ‘s take up again for the year were "Alice in Wonderland" and "The Tourist," both parts which he seemed get off on he was soberly phoning in.
So how did he succeed for Favorite Movie Actor? I also just don’t distinguish what to mark of prepossessing Favorite Movie Actress. "$#*! My Dad Says" has been tuneful uniformly panned by critics. So really, it’s Favorite New TV Comedy? Lisa Edelstein won for Favorite TV Drama Actress. Who is she? Favorite Online Sensation went to.
I extraordinarily prospect Antoine Dodsen should have had that department in the bag. Or at least Double Rainbow guy. I was also surprised that Favorite TV Guest Star went to Demi Lovato for her responsibility on "Grey’s Anatomy." Fail. We positively loved on ".
" My desire for Favorite Breakout Artist would have gone to Nicki Minaj. Not so much to Selena Gomez. I suppose the Beliebers forgot the or on where ? Rachael Ray won for Favorite TV Chef. Ugggggh.
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