среда, 3 июня 2009 г.

Primary Election 2009. Attorney Chris Christie and latest Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan have dominated the three-man race. Supper.

NEW YORK, NY June 02, 2009 -New Jersey voters have until 8 p.m. to foment the candidates who will rush in November's election.

Early fittings appears lightweight and no significant problems have been reported. The main statewide step on the gas is the Republican cardinal for governor. Former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie and recent Bogota Mayor Steve Lonegan have dominated the three-man race.

Assemblyman Rick Merkt trailed both in polls. All expressed aplomb after voting earlier in the day. The victor will be opposite Gov. Jon Corzine in November. The Democrat has had marker resistance during the primary.

Corzine says he wants a subordinate session because he loves the job. He'll be joined at a get better in West Orange by Vice President Joe Biden. The men served together in the U.S. Senate.

nj primary election 2009


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